Aquabor® MSR is multi-functional product with general applications
in both industrial and consumer products. It is a mild alkaline salt
consisting of a fine white powder that is readily soluble in water.
Aquabor® dissolves even in cold water, with the maximum possible
dispersion and solubility in order to obtain supersaturated
solutions with high boron concentrations.As such, it has a number of different uses in agro-industrial
markets, in addition to its long established role in farm sprays.
Minera Santa Rita S.R.L. produces its Aquabor® in a modern spry
dryer plant, entirely built in 316L stainless steel that guarantees
high purity and no product contamination. Solubility in Water
The small particle size of Aquabor® has inherently high solubility,
even at low temperatures. It gives rapid solubility properties even
under the most demanding conditions.